Position Of Stairs As Per Vastu

The position of the stair is critical in Vastu. The stair, if placed incorrectly, can have a significant negative impact. When it comes to houses, the best location for stairs is south-west. Stairs can also be built in the north-west, south-west, and west directions. The stair should be turned clockwise. However, it is not required. The effect of anti-clock stairs is minimal.
If the stairs are in the north-east corner of the house, it causes health and financial problems. The “Devasthana” is said to be in the north-east direction (Head of Vastu-Purusha). Any kind of load causes health problems, especially for female members of the family. It also has an impact on the financial situation.
If there is a stairway in the north-east direction, it can be used.

If there is a stair in the North-East direction, it can be cured virtually without moving the stairs. For more information, please contact us at info@a2zvastu.com or +919835129506.

The number of steps should be odd, which means that while stepping, your step count should be odd and the stair’s step count should be even.
Glass or other transparent materials should not be used for the step. It can be made of wood, marble, granite, or other materials. The step’s colour should never be black.

There should be no toilet beneath the stair. Under the stairs, there should also be no Puja room. The stair face should not begin or end in front of the main gate/gate of any room or toilet.

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